Thursday, May 01, 2008

Exercise and Trigger Point Release

I have been recently been paying closer attention to clients that come to see me with what they describe as "a little sore and tight" from an intense workout that might have been anywhere from one to three days prior to their visit. What I mean is that I've been gauging how much of a difference I can make on their range-of-motion and pain scale by releasing those particular muscles. Basically, overuse of a muscle can initiate a trigger point so why should a person suffer aches and limited range of motion while the muscle heals from the workout? I've only been able to work on a handful of people falling into the above category but what I've noticed so far is really interesting. I have been able to improve range-of-motion dramatically and therefore reduce pain felt when the range-of-motion has been limited to an "over-tightness" of a muscle or groups of muscles. Of course my observation set has also been small, mostly covering upper arms and lower legs. Hopefully I can get my hands on more athletes/bodybuilders to apply the Trigger Point techniques to and get more of an idea on the benefits to them and anyone else who decides to start an exercise program.

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Plantar Fasciitis and Trigger Point Therapy

One of my daughters plays soccer and has suffered for years with the pain of Plantar Fasciitis (there are a few causes but this condition is basically the tightening of the connective tissue that runs from the heel to the toes which pulls on one or the other end) but wasn't diagnosed until a couple of years ago because her foot pain was nearer the balls of her feet (thank you soccer cleats for that one). Anyway, she was finally diagnosed and we paid for all the podiatrist visits, two sets of orthotics (one for normal shoes, one for soccer), and night splints. She got really good at her routine of rolling a frozen water bottle under her feet before soccer and after soccer, as well as doing her morning foot stretches as prescribed. She still had miserable pain during games to the point of having to sit out for long periods during games. Then, one day she decided to take a break from soccer and her feet stopped hurting her but I knew that, eventually, she'd want to play again. Well, she is playing again and I'm happy to report that her Plantar Fasciitis episodes have been few this time. Want to know why? Read on.

Having learned about Dr. Janet Travell's Trigger Point Release therapy, I made it my business to find out what muscle(s) influence and work the Plantar Fascia. Having all that information, I've made my daughter a test subject, so to say, regarding the effectiveness of Trigger Point therapy for those suffering from Plantar Fasciitis in one or both feet. My daughter and I are extremely happy with the results and have found that even if she gets an episode during a game, she knows how to stop it and get back on the field as soon as possible. This is yet another situation that I think might benefit from a study and it might be a wonderful alternative to surgery or all the money spent on podiatry products. I'm not saying that *poof* Trigger Point Release therapy is the miracle cure nor that my opinion is a substitute for a visit to your doctor but surely some people (like me) are tired of how Western Medicine views symptoms and causes and that there are other alternatives to try before going the traditional way. That's all I'm saying on that for now.

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